Friday, February 22, 2019

Hey, I'm back on this blog and extremely ready and excited to do a lot more research and finish this project! I've decided on a food magazine because cooking is one of my favorite hobbies and I think that's the one I'll be able to pull off the best and also enjoy the most. As far as audiences go, my audience is going to be around the ages of 15-23, teens to young adults, people who may only just be starting to learn how to cook.
As for the actual content of the specific magazine I have two ideas:
  • An issue focused on teaching basics and concepts of cooking to those who may want to start learning simpler recipes, which works well with my young audience
  • An issue focused on more fun, entertaining recipes based on things like popular films and tv shows that people can make for things like fan events and watch parties
Since I'm not quite sure of which idea to do, I first decided to research one of the more challenging things that I'll face on this journey, which is the food photography. I want to make sure all of my images are aesthetically pleasing and attractive to the eyes. I first found this video, and while it leaned more on the professional food photography side of things, it gave some good tips on what to do if you can't buy fancy equipment which I will definitely use, such as using a white cloth to diffuse light in your pictures. Then I found this other video, and while it is very long and extensive, some of the images I saw while watching a part of it had really nice aesthetics and definitely gave me insight into how to make an image attractive to the eye. I hope some of these resources will help me give a more professional look to all of my images.

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