Wednesday, February 27, 2019

I think I've decided I might do a mix of my two ideas since they do overlap and make my magazine issue have simple, regular recipes and also some that are themed to certain shows or movies.

While searching for more inspiration on food magazines or recipes more suited towards teens, I found this list of articles by Seventeen magazine that contained a bunch of easy recipes. An important thing I found here was the article about recipes to make in a dorm room, because dorm room adaptability is something I definitely want to look into for some of my recipes and ideas, so that they can appeal even to those that may not have as many kitchen tools or ingredients.

Doing further research on common dorm kitchens I found that most have a microwave or a small refrigerator so I might have to look for some recipes that can work with those appliances and test them out (which might be difficult considering I don't have a microwave at home). Then after that I could attempt to make them a lot more fun or based on different pop culture things. (The pop culture idea is something I'll have to narrow down since there's a huge variety of popular shows and movies to choose from.)

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