Thursday, March 21, 2019

The two page spread I have planned is something along the lines of "The best snacks for a great watch party". It's going to contain a couple of recipes but they will all be fairly simple and easy to pull off for anyone. I've looked up some recipes for what I want to do, and I've kind of modified them to either make them simpler or use less ingredients so I don't have to buy as much to make them.
1. The first item I thought of was fries and I found this recipe, which allows you to make them without frying with oil by using an air fryer, which is a lot less complicated.
2. The second item I thought of was pizza bites, and instead of having to prepare the dough I thought I'd find a recipe that uses puff pastry, which you can get already made. This recipe was what I decided I'll do.
3. The third item was caramel corn, and for this one I've decided not to use a recipe as I saw that most were made by heating up sugar and that's a lot more complicated than I want, so I've decided to just make popcorn and cover it with melted chocolate and butterscotch.
4. The fourth item was a drink, and for this case, I've chosen on of the most iconic drinks which is Harry Potter Butterbeer. In this case I'm also not going to use a recipe as from all of the ones I looked at, they used too many things including heavy cream when it really wasn't necessary. My version is going to be cream soda mixed with melted butterscotch chips and ice cream mixed in (plus whipped cream for decoration.
5. The fifth item is going to be sugar cookies, and since I've done an item themed on Harry Potter, I figure I'll decorate those in the colors of the Hogwarts houses. I'll be using my mom's recipe for those  since it's absolutely delicious. I plan on baking everything during my spring break because I'll have a bunch of time and am not going anywhere.
I'm pretty excited to make all of this! It'll be pretty fun to try out these recipes!

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